The هند is a country that occupies a greater part of the شبهقاره هند. It borders پاکستان in the northwest, the جمهوری خلق چین, نپال, and بوتان (کشور) in the north, and بنگلادش and میانمار in the east. India's coastline stretches for over seven thousand kilometers. Its neighbours in the اقیانوس هند are the island nations of the مالدیو in the southwest, سریلانکا in the south, and اندونزی in the southeast. India is the فهرست کشورها بر پایه جمعیت کشور in the world, with a جمعیت of over ۱۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ (عدد) and is the فهرست کشورها و مناطق بر پایه پهناوری country by geographical مساحت. It is a constitutional جمهوری consisting of twenty eight states and seven union territories. The word India derives from the زبان پارسی باستان cognate for the زبان سانسکریت word سند (رود), the سند (رود). The قانون اساسی هند also recognizes Bhārat as an official name with equal status.
A centre of important historic trade routes, India is the home to some of the most تمدن دره سند. India is the birthplace to four major world دین: بودیسم, جین (دین), سیک (دین) and هندوئیسم. It also has the largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia and Pakistan. Hinduism is the major religion followed in India . India is a secular country. India was a former colony of the امپراتوری بریتانیا under the راج انگلیس before gaining جنبش استقلال هند on 15 August 1947. The country has witnessed significant economic and military growth after the liberalization of the اقتصاد هند. India is also well-known for upholding the concept of peace, as was demonstrated by its peaceful method of freedom struggle.