الگو:Officeholder table end
The following templates, {{Officeholder table start}}, {{Officeholder table}} and {{Officeholder table end}} can be used to create a uniform lists in a table format across different types of executives (e.g. politicians, military officers, government officials and others).
[ویرایش]Our ویکیپدیا:سیاستها و رهنمودها at ویکیپدیا:سیاست استفاده از تصاویر states unequivocally
- "Except with very good reason, do not use
... which forces a fixed image width. In most casesupright=scaling factor
should be used, thereby respecting the user's base preference (which may have been selected for that user's particular devices)."
- "Except with very good reason, do not use
However, this template can not utilize relative sizing.
Also, our policy at ویکیپدیا:متن جایگزین برای تصاویر says "Alternative text is text associated with an image that serves the same purpose and conveys the same essential information as the image. In situations where the image is not available to the reader, perhaps because they have turned off images in their web browser or are using a صفحهخوان due to a کمبینایی, the alternative text ensures that no information or functionality is lost. Absent or unhelpful alternative text can be a source of frustration for visually impaired users."
"On Wikipedia, alternative text is typically supplied through a combination of the image caption and the text supplied for the image alt
parameter in the MediaWiki markup."
However, this template can not utilize the image alt
Consequently, before using this template, serious consideration should be given to whether using this template offers any significant advantages that override the two policies outlined above.
[ویرایش]Officeholder table start
[ویرایش]Parameter | Description | Example | Default value |
showorder = y
Creates a column for numbering the persons who is displayed in the list. | not displayed | |
showseat = y
Creates a column for seat numbers. This parameter can be used in the lists of members of legislative Assemblies. | not displayed | |
showimage = y
Creates a column for portrait photos. | not displayed | |
Headline for image. It is used with the parameter showimage = y .
Portrait | empty |
Title of the position of the list relates to. | Minister of Finance | Name |
showtitle = y
Creates the column title. It can be used in lists where different officeholders had different titles. | not displayed | |
showtermstart = n
Hides the column for the start of the term of service. | displayed | |
showtermend = n
Hides the column for the end of the term of service. | displayed | |
showtimeinoffice = y
Creates the column time in office. | not displayed | |
showparty = n
Hides the column for political party. | displayed | |
showotherparty = y
Displays a column for alternative party. | not displayed | |
Title for the column alternative party. It is used with the parameter showotherparty = y .
not displayed | |
showelection = y
Creates column for elections. It can be used in lists of officeholders that are elected to the position. | not displayed | |
Headline for election. It is used with the parameter showelection = y .
Presidential election | Election |
showconstituency = y
Creates the column constituency. It can be used in the lists of members of legislative Assemblies. | not displayed | |
showdefencebranch = y
Creates a column for military branches. It can be used in lists of military officers. | not displayed | |
showpreviousoffice = y
Creates a column for the previous office of the listed person. | not displayed | |
defence_branch_title = y
Headline for the column military branch. It is used with the parameter showdefencebranch = y .
Defence branch | Defence branch |
showaltofficeholder = y
Creates a column for alternative officeholders (e.g. head of government or deputy). | not displayed | |
Headline for the column alternative officeholder. It is used with the parameter showaltofficeholder = y .
Vice President | |
showcoalition = y
Creates a column for the parties in a coalition government. It can be used in lists of heads of government. | not displayed | |
showcabinet = y
Creates a column for cabinets. | not displayed | |
showref = y
Creates a column for ویکیپدیا:شیوه ارجاع به منابع. | not displayed |
[ویرایش]The template {{Officeholder table start}} create table headers and is added into the top of the table. Then put in a {{Officeholder table}} for each new officeholders in chronological order, with the first one in the top. The template {{Officeholder table end}} completes the table and are placed at the bottom of the table.
{{Officeholder table start | showorder = | showseat = | showimage = | officeholder_title = | showtitle = | showtermstart = | showtermend = | showparty = | showotherparty = | otherparty_title = | showelection = | election_title = | showconstituency = | showtermlenght = | showdefencebranch = | defence_branch_title = | showpreviousoffice = | showaltofficeholder = | alt_officeholder_title = | showcabinet = | cabinet_title = | showref = }} {{Officeholder table | order = | seat = | image = |bSize = |cWidth = |cHeight = |oTop = |oLeft = | military_rank = | officeholder = | officeholder_sort = | officeholder_altname = | officeholder_note = | acting = y | born_year = | died_year = | substitute = | title = | term_start = | term_end = | timeinoffice = | died = y | party = | party_entry = | party_exit = | party_note = | party2 = | party2_entry = | party2_exit = | party2_note = | party3 = | party3_entry = | party3_exit = | party3_note = | party4 = | party4_entry = | party4_exit = | party4_note = | party5 = | party5_entry = | party5_exit = | party5_note = | otherparty = | otherparty_entry = | otherparty_exit = | otherparty_note = | otherparty2 = | otherparty2_entry = | otherparty2_exit = | otherparty2_note = | otherparty3 = | otherparty3_entry = | otherparty3_exit = | otherparty3_note = | otherparty4 = | otherparty4_entry = | otherparty4_exit = | otherparty4_note = | otherparty5 = | otherparty5_entry = | otherparty5_exit = | otherparty5_note = | election = | election2 = | election3 = | election4 = | election5 = | constituency = | defence_branch = | previous_office = | alt_officeholder = | alt_officeholder_sort = | alt_officeholder_party = | alt_officeholder_term_start = | alt_officeholder_term_end = | alt_officeholder2 = | alt_officeholder2_party = | alt_officeholder2_term_start = | alt_officeholder2_term_end = | alt_officeholder3 = | alt_officeholder3_party = | alt_officeholder3_term_start = | alt_officeholder3_term_end = | alt_officeholder4 = | alt_officeholder4_party = | alt_officeholder4_term_start = | alt_officeholder4_term_end = | alt_officeholder5 = | alt_officeholder5_party = | alt_officeholder5_term_start = | alt_officeholder5_term_end = | coalition = | coalition_term_start = | coalition_term_end = | coalition2 = | coalition2_term_start = | coalition2_term_end = | coalition3 = | coalition3_term_start = | coalition3_term_end = | coalition4 = | coalition4_term_start = | coalition4_term_end = | coalition5 = | coalition5_term_start = | coalition5_term_end = | cabinet = | cabinet_term_start = | cabinet_term_end = | cabinet2 = | cabinet2_term_start = | cabinet2_term_end = | cabinet3 = | cabinet3_term_start = | cabinet3_term_end = | cabinet4 = | cabinet4_term_start = | cabinet4_term_end = | cabinet5 = | cabinet5_term_start = | cabinet5_term_end = | ref = }} {{Officeholder table end}} |
[ویرایش]Political lists
[ویرایش]The following example show a people, who has served as the Minister of Justice of Sweden. One shows a how the regular table looks like, while the other shows how it looks like when the person served as an acting minister.
{{Officeholder table start | showorder = y | showimage = y | showtermlenght = y | showaltofficeholder = y | alt_officeholder_title = [[نخستوزیر سوئد]] | officeholder_title = Minister of Justice }} {{Officeholder table | order = – | officeholder = [[Anna-Greta Leijon]] | image = Anna-Greta Leijon.JPG | officeholder_sort = Leijon, Anna-Greta | born_year = 1939 | term_start = {{تاریخ آغاز|1983|11|11}} | term_end = {{تاریخ آغاز|1983|11|15}} | timeinoffice = {{Age in years and days|1983|11|10|1983|11|15}} | party = Swedish Social Democratic Party | alt_officeholder = [[اولاف پالمه]] | alt_officeholder_sort = Palme, Olof | alt_officeholder_party = Swedish Social Democratic Party | acting = y }} {{Officeholder table | order = 39 | officeholder = [[Beatrice Ask]] | image = Beatrice Ask 1c310 7102.jpg|bSize = 100px|cWidth = 100|cHeight = 125|oTop = 7|oLeft = 0 | officeholder_sort = Ask, Beatrice | born_year = 1956 | term_start = {{تاریخ آغاز|2006|10|6}} | term_end = {{تاریخ آغاز|2014|10|3}} | timeinoffice = {{Age in years and days|2006|10|6|2014|10|3}} | party = Moderate Party | alt_officeholder = [[فردریک راینفلت]] | alt_officeholder_sort = Reinfeldt, Fredrik | alt_officeholder_party = Moderate Party }} {{Officeholder table end}}
ر. | تصویر | Minister of Justice | آغاز تصدی | پایان تصدی | طول دوران | حزب | نخستوزیر سوئد | |
– | Anna-Greta Leijon (زادهٔ 1939) سرپرست | ۱۱ نوامبر ۱۹۸۳ | ۱۵ نوامبر ۱۹۸۳ | ۵ روز | Social Democratic | اولاف پالمه (S) | ||
39 | Beatrice Ask (زادهٔ 1956) | ۶ اکتبر ۲۰۰۶ | ۳ اکتبر ۲۰۱۴ | ۷ سال، ۳۶۲ روز | Moderate | فردریک راینفلت (M) |
Prime Minister
[ویرایش]An other example of a political list is the use of the template {{Officeholder table coalition}}, and the parameter order2 = y
with political party. The following list show persons, who has served as Prime Minister of Denmark.
{{Officeholder table start | showorder = y | showimage = y | officeholder_title = Prime Minister | showtermlenght = y | showelection = y | showcoalition = y | showcabinet = y | party_col = 1 }} {{Officeholder table | order2 = 40 | image = Lars Løkke Rasmussen - 2009.jpg | officeholder = [[لارس لوکه راسموسن]] | officeholder_sort = Rasmussen, Lars Løkke | born_year = 1964 | term_start = 5 April 2009 | term_end = 3 October 2011 | timeinoffice = {{Age in years and days|2009|4|5|2011|10|3}} | alt_party = Venstre (Denmark) | election = — | cabinet = [[Lars Løkke Rasmussen I Cabinet|L.L. Rasmussen]] | coalition = {{Officeholder table coalition | party = Venstre (Denmark) | party2 = Conservative People's Party (Denmark) }} }} {{Officeholder table | order2 = 41 | image = Helle Thorning-Schmidt portrait.jpg | officeholder = [[هله تورنینگ-اشمیت]] | officeholder_sort = Thorning-Schmidt, Helle | born_year = 1966 | term_start = 3 October 2011 | timeinoffice = {{Age in years and days|2011|10|3}} | alt_party = Social Democrats (Denmark) | election = [[Danish general election, 2011|2011]] | cabinet = [[Helle Thorning-Schmidt I Cabinet|Thorning-Schmidt I]] | coalition = {{Officeholder table coalition | party = Social Democrats (Denmark) | party2 = Danish Social Liberal Party | party3 = Socialist People's Party (Denmark) }} | coalition_term_start = 2011 | coalition_term_end = 2014 | cabinet2 = [[Helle Thorning-Schmidt II Cabinet|Thorning-Schmidt II]] | coalition2 = {{Officeholder table coalition | party = Social Democrats (Denmark) | party2 = Danish Social Liberal Party }} | coalition2_term_start = 2014 }} {{Officeholder table end}}
ر. | تصویر | Prime Minister | آغاز تصدی | پایان تصدی | طول دوران | حزب | انتخابات | ائتلاف | کابینه |
40 | لارس لوکه راسموسن (زادهٔ 1964) | 5 April 2009 | 3 October 2011 | ۲ سال، ۱۸۱ روز | Venstre | — | الگو:Officeholder table coalition | L.L. Rasmussen I | |
41 | هله تورنینگ-اشمیت (زادهٔ 1966) | 3 October 2011 | 28 June 2015 | ۳ سال، ۲۶۸ روز | Social Democrats | 2011 | الگو:Officeholder table coalition (2011 – 2014) الگو:Officeholder table coalition (since 2014) | Thorning-Schmidt I Thorning-Schmidt II |