پرش به محتوا

الگو:Infobox martial artist

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]
Joe Schmo
Joe is a pirate.
زادهٔJoseph Q. Schmo IV
۱ ژانویهٔ ۱۹۷۰ ‏(۵۵ سال)
نیویورک, New York, U.S.
درگذشت۱ ژوئن ۲۰۰۷ (۳۷ سال)
شیکاگو, Illinois, U.S.
دیگر نام‌هاThe Can
محل زندگیلس‌آنجلس, California, U.S.
قد۶ فوت ۲ اینچ (۱۸۸ سانتیمتر)
وزن۱۷۵ پوند (۷۹ کیلوگرم؛ ۱۲ سنگ ۷ پوند)
شاخهLight heavyweight
قد کشش۷۵ اینچ (۱۹۱ سانتیمتر)
سبکDrunken boxing, Dim Mak
تیمKronk Gym
مربیEmanuel Steward
ردهWhite belt کاراته
کشتیNCAA Division I کشتی (ورزش)
سال‌های فعالیت2001–present
رکورد بوکس حرفه‌ای
بدون نتیجه۱
رکورد هنرهای رزمی ترکیبی
بدون نتیجه۱
رکورد ورزش آماتور
بدون نتیجه۱
سایر اطلاعات
دانشگاهدانشگاه نیویورک
خویشاوندانJohn Schmo
شاگردانJoe Blow
رکورد بوکس از بوکس رک
رکورد هنرهای رزمی ترکیبی از شرداگ
last updated on: May 1, 2005

Blank template

{{Infobox martial artist 
| nameمهدی
| image           = 
| image_size      = 
| alt             = 
| caption         = 
| birth_name      = 
| birth_date      = {{تاریخ تولد و سن|YYYY|MM|DD}}
| birth_place     = 
| death_date      = <!-- {{تاریخ مرگ و سن|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| death_place     = 
| death_cause     = 
| other_names     = 
| residence       = 
| nationality     =
| height          =
| height_ft       = 
| height_in       = 
| height_m        = 
| height_footnote =
| weight          =
| weight_lb       = 
| weight_kg       = 
| weight_footnote =
| weight_class    = 
| reach           =
| reach_in        =
| reach_footnote  =
| style           = 
| stance          = 
| fighting_out_of = 
| team            = 
| trainer         = 
| rank            = 
| wrestling       = 
| years_active    = 
| box_win         = 
| box_kowin       = 
| box_loss        = 
| box_koloss      = 
| box_draw        = 
| box_nc          = 
| kickbox_win     = 
| kickbox_kowin   = 
| kickbox_loss    = 
| kickbox_koloss  = 
| kickbox_draw    = 
| kickbox_nc      = 
| mma_kowin       = 
| mma_subwin      = 
| mma_decwin      = 
| mma_dqwin       = 
| mma_otherwin    =
| mma_koloss      = 
| mma_subloss     = 
| mma_decloss     = 
| mma_dqloss      =
| mma_otherloss   = 
| mma_draw        = 
| mma_nc          = 
| am_win          = 
| am_kowin        = 
| am_subwin       = 
| am_loss         = 
| am_koloss       = 
| am_subloss      = 
| am_draw         = 
| am_nc           = 
| occupation      = 
| university      = 
| spouse          = 
| relatives       = 
| students        = 
| club            = 
| school          = 
| website         = <!-- [http://www.example.com example.com] -->
| boxrec          = 
| sherdog         = 
| footnotes       = 
| updated         = 



Do not use all these parameters for any one person. The list is long to cover a wide range of person. Only use those parameters that convey essential or notable information about the subject. Any parameters left blank or omitted will not be displayed. If a data field has more than one parameter name which can be used, the preferred name is listed first in bold print.

  • name, the name of the martial artist
  • image, an image of the person (placed using the syntax "imagename.ext").
  • image_size, the size of the image (if no value is placed, "frameless" is used)
  • alt,
  • caption, a caption to be used with the image
  • birth_name, birth name, if different from current name
  • birth_date, date of birth, using {{birth date and age}} if alive or {{birth date}} if dead
  • birth_place, place of birth, including city, and country
  • death_date, date of death, using {{death date and age}}
  • death_place, place of death, including city, and country
  • death_cause, cause of death
  • other_names, other names known by
  • residence, current location, including city, and country
  • nationality, this person's current nationality - holds a valid passport from this country
  • height, height, using {{convert}}
    or height_ft and height_in; weight in feet and inches (without units); will be converted into meters
    or height_m; weight in meters (without units); will be converted into feet and inches
  • height_footnote, for inline citations, if needed, when using height_ft and height_in or height_m.
  • weight, weight, using {{convert}}
    or weight_lb, weight in pounds (without units); will be converted into kilograms
    or weight_kg, weight in kilograms (without units); will be converted into pounds
  • weight_footnote, for inline citations, if needed, when using weight_lb or weight_kg.
  • weight_class, weight class (division)
  • reach, reach length, using {{convert}}
    or reach_in, reach in inches (without units); will be converted into centimetres.
    or reach_cm, reach in centimetres (without units); will be converted into inches.
  • reach_footnote, for inline citations, if needed, when using reach_in or reach_cm.
  • style, the name of the martial art style practised
  • stance, either "orthodox" or "southpaw"
  • fighting_out_of, the place the fighter fights out of
  • team, name of the team or gym used by the martial artist
  • trainer, the person's trainer
  • rank, current martial arts ranks and titles, eg: black belt Karate
  • wrestling, level of experience in amateur wrestling, eg: NCAA Division I Wrestling
  • years_active, the span of years that the person was active in his/her career.
    Use the format: خطای عبارت: نویسه نقطه‌گذاری شناخته نشده «۲»–۲۰۲۵ or خطای عبارت: نویسه نقطه‌گذاری شناخته نشده «۲»–present
  • occupation, the person's occupation, if retired, state retired
  • university, name of university attended by the person
  • spouse, name of spouse (linked only if prominent)
  • relatives, notable relatives of the person
  • students, notable students of the person
  • club, notable clubs of the person (use either club or school)
  • school, notable schools of the person (use either club or school)
  • website, نشانی وب of the person's official website, using [http://www.example.com example.com]
  • boxrec, the boxer's ID at boxrec.com
  • sherdog, the fighter's ID at sherdog.com
  • footnotes, notes
  • updated, date when the infobox was last updated
  • Boxing career
box_win, number of fights won under boxing rules.
box_kowin, number of fights won by KO/TKO.
box_loss, number of fights lost.
box_koloss, number of fights lost by KO/TKO.
box_draw, number of draws.
box_nc, number of no contests.
kickbox_win, number of fights won under kickboxing rules.
kickbox_kowin, number of fights won by KO/TKO.
kickbox_loss, number of fights lost.
kickbox_koloss, number of fights lost.
kickbox_draw, number of draws.
kickbox_nc, number of no contests.
  • Mixed martial arts career
mma_kowin, number of fights won by KO/TKO.
mma_subwin, number of fights won by submission.
mma_decwin, number of fights won by decision.
mma_dqwin, number of fights won by the opponent being disqualified.
mma-otherwin, number of fights won that does not have a method recorded (such as (T)KO, dec, sub, DQ) or is otherwise unknown.
mma_koloss, number of fights lost by KO/TKO.
mma_subloss, number of fights lost by submission.
mma_dqwin, number of fights lost by decision.
mma_dqloss, number of fights lost by being disqualified.
mma_otherloss, number of fights lost that does not have a method recorded (such as (T)KO, dec, sub, DQ) or is otherwise unknown.
mma_draw, number of draws.
mma_nc, number of no contests.
  • Amateur career
am_win, number of amateur wins
am_kowin, number of amateur fights won by KO/TKO.
am_subwin, number of amateur MMA fights won by submission.
am_loss, number of amateur fights lost.
am_koloss, number of amateur fights lost by KO/TKO.
am_draw, number of amateur draws.
am_nc, number of amateur no contests.



The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the person's details parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia or via a browser tool operated by a reader, to (for example) add the subject to an address book or database. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.



اطلاعات تاریخ تولد، تنها هنگامی در ریزقالب گنجانده می‌شود که {{تاریخ تولد}} یا {{تاریخ تولد و سن}} در جعبه اطلاعات، بکار رفته باشند. (اگر تاریخ قبل از ۱۵۸۳ است از این الگوها استفاده نکنید). بر پایه زندگی‌نامه زندگان در بکار بردن این الگو درباره افراد زنده، محتاط باشید.

برای افزودن نشانی وب، از {{نشانی وب}} استفاده کنید.

خواهشمند است کاربردهای این زیرالگوها را حذف نکنید.



hCard از کلاس‌های HTML زیر استفاده می‌کند:

  • adr
  • agent
  • bday
  • birthplace
  • category
  • country-name
  • deathdate
  • deathplace
  • extended-address
  • family-name
  • fn (required)
  • given-name
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • label
  • locality
  • n
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • role
  • url
  • vcard

خواهشمند است این کلاس‌ها را تغییرنام ندهید یا حذف نکنید. عناصر تودرتویی که از آنها استفاده می‌کنند را نیز به حالت جمع‌شده درنیاورید.

Style guide


Density of information


Try to always consider that an infobox exists to support an article and provide a quick synopsis of important facts. This becomes vital when considering that the amount of space available within an infobox is significantly less than that available outside of it. Adding all seventy three nicknames that a fighter might have is highly informative, but will defeat the purpose of the infobox.



As per the ویکی‌پدیا:شیوه‌نامه (پیوند) entry on linking, years should not be linked as they do not provide much benefit to the user.

See also
