پرش به محتوا

الگو:Infobox knot

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
نام{{{name}}}, {{{names}}}
رده[[List of {{{type}}} knots|{{{type}}}]]
رده #2[[List of {{{type2}}} knots|{{{type2}}}]]
Typical use{{{uses}}}
Conway Notation{{{conway_notation}}}
A/B notation{{{ab_notation}}}

توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]
{{Infobox knot
| name =        <!-- Canonical name-->
| names =       <!-- Variant Name(s), DO NOT include the original name here -->
| image =       <!-- Use ONLY the filename, not a full [[Image:]] link -->
| caption =     <!-- image caption -->
| type =        <!-- Category (bend, binding, coil, decorative, hitch, lashing,
                         loop, plait, slip, seizing, sennit, splice, stopper,
                         trick, or whipping) in LOWER CASE
                     This automatically places the knot in the named category
                     and places a link to a list of knots of that type -->
| type2 =       <!-- Additional category for knots that can be classified in two cats -->
| strength =    <!-- Efficiency -->
| origin =      <!-- Only fill in if known and w/refs. "ancient" adds the article to [[:Category:Knots of ancient origin]]. -->
| related =     <!-- links to related knots -->
| releasing =   <!-- jamming/non-jamming -->
| uses =        <!-- Typical use -->
| caveat =      <!-- List any warnings or unusual characteristics of knot -->
| abok_number = <!-- number(s) from The Ashley Book of Knots --
                    prefix with # (e.g. #1010);
                    '''bold''' primary entries if a list -->
| conway_notation = <!-- Notation from John Horton Conway's knot tables -->
| ab_notation = <!-- Notation from the Alexander-Briggs knot tables -->

A version to paste into new articles:

{{Infobox knot
| name = 
| names = 
| image = 
| caption = 
| type = 
| type2 = 
| strength = 
| origin = 
| related = 
| releasing = 
| uses = 
| caveat = 
| abok_number = 
| conway_notation = 
| ab_notation = 

See also
