الگو:Infobox individual space vehicle
[ویرایش]{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
بخشی از {{{mission}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|جایگزین={{{alt}}}|ایستاده=1.18]] {{{caption}}} | |
نام(های)دیگر | {{{other_names}}} |
نوع | {{{type}}} |
کلاس | {{{class}}} |
نامگذاری | {{{named_after}}} |
سازنده | {{{manufacturer}}} |
شماره ساخت | {{{construction_number}}} |
تاریخ ساخت | {{{construction_date}}} |
شماره ثبت | {{{civil_registration}}} |
ویژگیهای فنی | |
طول | {{{length}}} |
قطر | {{{diameter}}} |
ارتفاع | {{{height}}} |
وزن خشک | {{{dry_mass}}} |
وزن پرتاب | {{{launch_mass}}} |
وزن فرود | {{{landing_mass}}} |
توان | {{{power}}} |
تاریخچه پرواز | |
نخستین پرتاپ | {{{first_flight}}} {{{first_flight_date}}} |
تاریخ پرتاپ | {{{launch_date}}} |
محل پرتاپ | {{{launch_site}}} |
ادارهکنندگان | {{{owners}}} |
آخرین پرتاپ | {{{last_flight}}} {{{last_flight_date}}} |
تاریخ فرود | {{{landing_date}}} |
محل فرود | {{{landing_site}}} |
پروازها | {{{flights}}} |
زمان سپریکرده | {{{total_hours}}} |
مسافت طی کرده | {{{distance_travelled}}} |
تعداد مدارهای کاملکرده | {{{orbits_completed}}} |
{{{docking_target}}} اتصال به | {{{dockings}}} |
{{{docking2_target}}} اتصال یه | {{{dockings2}}} |
وضعیت | {{{status}}} |
سرنوشت | {{{fate}}} |
نگهداری شده در | {{{preserved_at}}} |
تجهیزات | |
{{{instruments}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{insignia}}}|{{{insignia_size}}}|جایگزین={{{insignia_alt}}}|ایستاده=0.82]] {{{insignia_caption}}} {{{succession}}} {{{succession2}}} |
{{Infobox individual space vehicle | name = <!-- vehicle's name, avoid stating class and manufacturer unless name used by other manufacturers --> | native_name = <!-- vehicle's native name, if different from the English name --> | mission = <!-- the mission the vehicle is part of, usually only relevant for a vehicle not intended to be reused --> | image = <!-- omit the "file" prefix --> | caption = <!-- image caption --> | alt = <!-- alt text for main image --> | other names = <!--other names (nicknames, nose art names) this vehicle is known by--> | type = <!--type of vehicle--> | class = <!--class of vehicle--> | manufacturer = <!-- may differ from the main/original manufacturer of this vehicle's type --> | construction_number = <!-- manufacturer's construction number --> | construction_date = <!-- either roll-out date or span of time for lengthy projects, whichever seems more appropriate --> | civil_registration = <!-- any civil registrations carried by this vehicle --> | dimensions = <!-- dimensions of the vehicle, use only for miscellaneous details of the vehicle dimensions --> | length = <!-- length of the vehicle --> | diameter = <!-- diameter of the vehicle --> | height = <!-- height of the vehicle --> | dry_mass = <!-- dry mass of the vehicle --> | launch_mass = <!-- launch mass of the vehicle --> | landing_mass = <!-- landing mass of the vehicle --> | power = <!-- power of the vehicle --> | first_flight = <!-- first flight --> | first_flight_date = <!-- date of first flight --> | launch_date = <!-- launch date if the vehicle is not intended to be reused --> | launch_site = <!-- launch site of the vehicle --> | owners = <!-- owners or operators, whether government agencies, private individuals, companies, or military services --> | last_flight = <!-- last flight --> | last_flight_date = <!-- date of last flight --> | landing_date = <!-- landing date if the vehicle is not intended to be reused --> | landing_site = <!-- landing site of the vehicle --> | flights = <!-- number of flights made by this vehicle, usually only relevant for a vehicle intended to be reused --> | total_hours = <!-- total number of hours flown by this vehicle --> | distance_travelled = <!-- total distance travelled by this vehicle, that could be either travelling through space or on an extraterrestrial body --> | distance_traveled = <!-- American alias of the above --> | orbits_completed = <!-- number of orbits flown by this vehicle --> | dockings = <!-- total dockings to a space vehicle, likewise for "dockings2" --> | docking_target = <!-- the space vehicle the vehicle has been docked to, likewise for "docking2_target" --> | status = <!-- status for an vehicle still in service --> | fate = <!-- fate/disposition of this vehicle --> | preservation = <!-- where this vehicle is currently preserved (if it is) --> | instruments = <!--a list of instruments on the vehicle--> | insignia = <!--omit the "file" prefix--> | insignia_size = <!--include px/em; defaults to 180px--> | insignia_upright = <!--insignia scaling factor, preferred over insignia_size--> | insignia_alt = <!--image alt text--> | insignia_caption = <!--image caption--> }}
{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
بخشی از {{{mission}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|جایگزین={{{alt}}}|ایستاده=1.18]] {{{caption}}} | |
نام(های)دیگر | {{{other_names}}} |
نوع | {{{type}}} |
کلاس | {{{class}}} |
نامگذاری | {{{named_after}}} |
سازنده | {{{manufacturer}}} |
شماره ساخت | {{{construction_number}}} |
تاریخ ساخت | {{{construction_date}}} |
شماره ثبت | {{{civil_registration}}} |
ویژگیهای فنی | |
طول | {{{length}}} |
قطر | {{{diameter}}} |
ارتفاع | {{{height}}} |
وزن خشک | {{{dry_mass}}} |
وزن پرتاب | {{{launch_mass}}} |
وزن فرود | {{{landing_mass}}} |
توان | {{{power}}} |
تاریخچه پرواز | |
نخستین پرتاپ | {{{first_flight}}} {{{first_flight_date}}} |
تاریخ پرتاپ | {{{launch_date}}} |
محل پرتاپ | {{{launch_site}}} |
ادارهکنندگان | {{{owners}}} |
آخرین پرتاپ | {{{last_flight}}} {{{last_flight_date}}} |
تاریخ فرود | {{{landing_date}}} |
محل فرود | {{{landing_site}}} |
پروازها | {{{flights}}} |
زمان سپریکرده | {{{total_hours}}} |
مسافت طی کرده | {{{distance_travelled}}} |
تعداد مدارهای کاملکرده | {{{orbits_completed}}} |
{{{docking_target}}} اتصال به | {{{dockings}}} |
{{{docking2_target}}} اتصال یه | {{{dockings2}}} |
وضعیت | {{{status}}} |
سرنوشت | {{{fate}}} |
نگهداری شده در | {{{preserved_at}}} |
تجهیزات | |
{{{instruments}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{insignia}}}|{{{insignia_size}}}|جایگزین={{{insignia_alt}}}|ایستاده=0.82]] {{{insignia_caption}}} {{{succession}}} {{{succession2}}} |
{{Infobox individual space vehicle | name = <!-- vehicle's name, avoid stating class and manufacturer unless name used by other manufacturers --> | native_name = <!-- vehicle's native name, if different from the English name --> | mission = <!-- the mission the vehicle is part of, usually only relevant for a vehicle not intended to be reused --> | image = <!-- omit the "file" prefix --> | caption = <!-- image caption --> | alt = <!-- alt text for main image --> | other names = <!--other names (nicknames, nose art names) this vehicle is known by--> | type = <!--type of vehicle--> | class = <!--class of vehicle--> | manufacturer = <!-- may differ from the main/original manufacturer of this vehicle's type --> | construction_number = <!-- manufacturer's construction number --> | construction_date = <!-- either roll-out date or span of time for lengthy projects, whichever seems more appropriate --> | civil_registration = <!-- any civil registrations carried by this vehicle --> | dimensions = <!-- dimensions of the vehicle, use only for miscellaneous details of the vehicle dimensions --> | length = <!-- length of the vehicle --> | diameter = <!-- diameter of the vehicle --> | height = <!-- height of the vehicle --> | dry_mass = <!-- dry mass of the vehicle --> | launch_mass = <!-- launch mass of the vehicle --> | landing_mass = <!-- landing mass of the vehicle --> | power = <!-- power of the vehicle --> | first_flight = <!-- first flight --> | first_flight_date = <!-- date of first flight --> | launch_date = <!-- launch date if the vehicle is not intended to be reused --> | launch_site = <!-- launch site of the vehicle --> | owners = <!-- owners or operators, whether government agencies, private individuals, companies, or military services --> | last_flight = <!-- last flight --> | last_flight_date = <!-- date of last flight --> | landing_date = <!-- landing date if the vehicle is not intended to be reused --> | landing_site = <!-- landing site of the vehicle --> | flights = <!-- number of flights made by this vehicle, usually only relevant for a vehicle intended to be reused --> | total_hours = <!-- total number of hours flown by this vehicle --> | distance_travelled = <!-- total distance travelled by this vehicle, that could be either travelling through space or on an extraterrestrial body --> | distance_traveled = <!-- American alias of the above --> | orbits_completed = <!-- number of orbits flown by this vehicle --> | dockings = <!-- total dockings to a space vehicle, likewise for "dockings2" --> | docking_target = <!-- the space vehicle the vehicle has been docked to, likewise for "docking2_target" --> | status = <!-- status for an vehicle still in service --> | fate = <!-- fate/disposition of this vehicle --> | preservation = <!-- where this vehicle is currently preserved (if it is) --> | instruments = <!--a list of instruments on the vehicle--> | insignia = <!--omit the "file" prefix--> | insignia_size = <!--include px/em; defaults to 180px--> | insignia_upright = <!--insignia scaling factor, preferred over insignia_size--> | insignia_alt = <!--image alt text--> | insignia_caption = <!--image caption--> }}