الگو:Infobox fire department
این جعبهٔ اطلاعات آتشنشانی بهگونی طراحی شده که بتوان از آن برای همه سازمانهای آتشنشانی گوناگون در سراسر جهان بکار رود.
[ویرایش]{{{native_name}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{logo}}}|{{{image_size}}}|جایگزین={{{logo_alt}}}]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{patch}}}|{{{image_size}}}|جایگزین={{{patch_alt}}}]] {{{patch_caption}}} | |
[[پرونده:{{{flag}}}|{{{image_size}}}|جایگزین={{{flag_alt}}}]] {{{flag_caption}}} | |
محدودهٔ عملیاتی | |
کشور | {{{country}}} |
{{{subdivision_type1}}} | {{{subdivision_name1}}} |
{{{subdivision_type2}}} | {{{subdivision_name2}}} |
{{{subdivision_type3}}} | {{{subdivision_name3}}} |
آدرس | {{{address}}} |
مختصات | {{{coordinates}}} |
مشخصات سازمانی{{{reference1}}} | |
بنیانگذاری | {{{established}}} |
برچینش | {{{dissolved}}} |
تعداد تماسهای سالیانه | {{{annual calls}}} |
شمار کارکنان | {{{employees}}}{{{strength}}} |
بودجهٔ سالیانه | {{{annual budget}}}{{{budget}}} |
کادر | {{{staffing}}} |
سرپرست | {{{commissioner}}} |
رئیس آتشنشانی | {{{chief}}} |
سرگروه | {{{captain}}} |
آتشنشان ارشد | {{{CFO}}} |
{{{chief1_description}}} | {{{chief1_name}}} |
{{{chief2_description}}} | {{{chief2_name}}} |
{{{chief3_description}}} | {{{chief3_name}}} |
اورژانس پیشبیمارستانی | {{{ALSorBLS}}}{{{BLSorALS}}}{{{FirstResponderBLSorALS}}} |
اورژانس پیشبیمارستانی | {{{iaff}}} |
شعار | {{{motto}}} |
امکانات و تجهیزات {{{reference2}}} | |
بخشها/شعبات | {{{divisions}}} |
گروهها | {{{battalions}}} |
{{{unit1_description}}} | {{{unit1_no}}} |
{{{unit2_description}}} | {{{unit2_no}}} |
{{{unit3_description}}} | {{{unit3_no}}} |
ایستگاهها | {{{stations}}} |
ماشین آتشنشانی | {{{engines}}} |
وانتهای آتشنشانی | {{{trucks}}}{{{ladders}}} |
تیلریهای آتشنسانی | {{{tillers}}} |
کامیونهای دارای بالابر متحرک | {{{platforms}}}{{{tower ladders}}} |
نردبانها | {{{aerial ladders}}} |
کامیونهای دومنظوره | {{{quints}}} |
تیمهای امداد | {{{squads}}} |
خوردوهای سنگین امدادرسانی | {{{rescues}}} |
آمبولانسها | {{{ambulances}}}{{{EMSunits}}} |
تانکرهای حمل آب | {{{tenders}}}{{{tankers}}} |
تجهیزات مقابله با مواد خطرناک | {{{hazmat}}} |
امداد و نجات شهری | {{{usar}}} |
خودروهای آتشنشانی فرودگاهی | {{{crash}}} |
خودروهای آتشسوزی جنگل | {{{wildland}}}{{{wildfire engines}}}{{{wildland engines}}}{{{brush trucks}}} |
بولدوزرها | {{{bulldozers}}} |
آتشنشانی هوایی | {{{airplanes}}} |
بالگردها | {{{helicopters}}} |
کشتی(های) آتشنشانی | {{{fireboats}}} |
قایق(های) امداد | {{{rescue boats}}} |
واحد هوارسانی و نور | {{{light and air}}} |
پمپکنندههای هوایی | {{{aerial pumpers}}} |
نردبانهای هوایی سکودار | {{{ladder platforms}}} |
{{{app1_description}}} | {{{app1_no}}} |
{{{app2_description}}} | {{{app2_no}}} |
{{{app3_description}}} | {{{app3_no}}} |
{{{app4_description}}} | {{{app4_no}}} |
{{{app5_description}}} | {{{app5_no}}} |
{{{app6_description}}} | {{{app6_no}}} |
{{{app7_description}}} | {{{app7_no}}} |
{{{app8_description}}} | {{{app8_no}}} |
{{{app9_description}}} | {{{app9_no}}} |
{{{app10_description}}} | {{{app10_no}}} |
{{{app11_description}}} | {{{app11_no}}} |
{{{app12_description}}} | {{{app12_no}}} |
{{{app13_description}}} | {{{app13_no}}} |
{{{app14_description}}} | {{{app14_no}}} |
{{{app15_description}}} | {{{app15_no}}} |
{{{app16_description}}} | {{{app16_no}}} |
{{{app17_description}}} | {{{app17_no}}} |
{{{app18_description}}} | {{{app18_no}}} |
{{{app19_description}}} | {{{app19_no}}} |
{{{app20_description}}} | {{{app20_no}}} |
وبگاه | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{iaffweb}}} |
[ویرایش]میتوانید از روی نسخه انگلیسی کپی کنید یا به صورت دستی زیر، وارد کنید:
{{Infobox fire department | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | logo = <!-- Do not use brackets [[ ]], just file name --> | logo_caption = | logo_alt = | patch = <!-- Do not use brackets [[ ]], just file name --> | patch_caption = | patch_alt = | flag = <!-- Do not use brackets [[ ]], just file name --> | flag_caption = | flag_alt = | image_size = | motto = <!-- Operational area --> | country = | subdivision_type1 = | subdivision_name1 = | subdivision_type2 = | subdivision_name2 = | subdivision_type3 = | subdivision_name3 = | address = | coordinates = <!-- Agency overview --> | reference1 = | established = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} --> | dissolved = | annual calls = <!-- Include {{small|(1234)}} to indicate year of data --> | employees = <!-- Include {{small|(1234)}} to indicate year of data or |strength= --> | annual budget = <!-- Include {{small|(1234)}} to indicate year of data or |budget= --> | staffing = | chief1_description = | chief1_name = | chief2_description = | chief2_name = | chief3_description = | chief3_name = | ALSorBLS = <!-- [[advanced life support|ALS]] and/or [[basic life support|BLS]] or |BLSorALS= or |FirstResponderBLSorALS= --> <!-- Facilities and equipment --> | reference2 = | unit1_description = | unit1_no = | unit2_description = | unit2_no = | unit3_description = | unit3_no = | app1_description = | app1_no = | app2_description = | app2_no = | app3_description = | app3_no = | app4_description = | app4_no = | app5_description = | app5_no = | app6_description = | app6_no = | app7_description = | app7_no = | app8_description = | app8_no = | app9_description = | app9_no = | app10_description = | app10_no = | app11_description = | app11_no = | app12_description = | app12_no = | app13_description = | app13_no = | app14_description = | app14_no = | app15_description = | app15_no = | app16_description = | app16_no = | app17_description = | app17_no = | app18_description = | app18_no = | app19_description = | app19_no = | app20_description = | app20_no = <!-- Website --> | website = <!-- {{Official URL}} --> }}
[ویرایش]![]() | |
محدودهٔ عملیاتی | |
کشور | ![]() |
ایالت آمریکا | ![]() |
شهرستان در آمریکا | ![]() |
فهرست شهرهای کالیفرنیا | ![]() |
مشخصات سازمانی | |
بنیانگذاری | ۱۰ آوریل ۱۹۹۰ |
تعداد تماسهای سالیانه | 12,345 (2014) |
شمار کارکنان | 1,234 (2014) |
بودجهٔ سالیانه | $12 million (2014) |
کادر | Career |
سرپرست | Bob Smith |
رئیس آتشنشانی | John Smith |
سرگروه | Jane Doe |
آتشنشان ارشد | Jane Smith |
اورژانس پیشبیمارستانی | ALS & BLS |
اورژانس پیشبیمارستانی | 1234 |
شعار | Live long and prosper |
امکانات و تجهیزات | |
بخشها/شعبات | 3 |
گروهها | 6 |
ایستگاهها | 45 |
ماشین آتشنشانی |
وانتهای آتشنشانی | 123 |
تیلریهای آتشنسانی | 7 |
کامیونهای دارای بالابر متحرک | 4 |
کامیونهای دومنظوره | 5 |
تیمهای امداد | 5 |
خوردوهای سنگین امدادرسانی | 6 |
آمبولانسها | |
تانکرهای حمل آب | 3 |
تجهیزات مقابله با مواد خطرناک | 3 |
امداد و نجات شهری | 5 |
خودروهای آتشنشانی فرودگاهی | 3 |
خودروهای آتشسوزی جنگل | |
بولدوزرها | 6 |
آتشنشانی هوایی | 4 |
بالگردها | 3 |
کشتی(های) آتشنشانی | 2 |
قایق(های) امداد | 1 |
واحد هوارسانی و نور | 2 |
وبگاه | |
Official website | |
IAFF website |
{{Infobox fire department | name = Name of Department | logo = SantaBarbaraCountyFireDepartmentLogo.png | motto = ''Live long and prosper'' <!-- Operational area --> | country = {{Flagu|United States}} | subdivision_type1 = [[ایالت آمریکا]] | subdivision_name1 = {{پرچم|کالیفرنیا}} | subdivision_type2 = [[شهرستان در آمریکا]] | subdivision_name2 = {{تصویر پرچمها|Flag_of_Santa_Clara_County,_California.png}} [[شهرستان سانتا کلارا، کالیفرنیا]] | subdivision_type3 = [[فهرست شهرهای کالیفرنیا]] | subdivision_name3 = {{تصویر پرچمها|Flag of San José, California.svg}} [[سن خوزه، کالیفرنیا]] <!-- Agency overview --> | reference1 = | established = {{تاریخ آغاز|1990|04|10}} | annual calls = 12,345 {{small|(2014)}} | annual budget = $12 million {{small|(2014)}} | employees = 1,234 {{small|(2014)}} | staffing = Career | chief = John Smith | captain = Jane Doe | commissioner = Bob Smith | CFO = Jane Smith | BLSorALS = [[Advanced life support|ALS]] & [[Basic life support|BLS]] | iaff = 1234 <!-- Facilities and equipment --> | reference2 = | divisions = 3 | battalions = 6 | stations = 45 | engines = {{فهرست ساده| * 22 - first run * 12 - reserve }} | trucks = 12 | quints = 5 | ladders = 3 | tillers = 7 | platforms = 4 | squads = 5 | rescues = 6 | ambulances = {{فهرست ساده| * 10 - [[Advanced life support|ALS]] * 5 - [[basic life support|BLS]] }} | tenders = 3 | hazmat = 3 | usar = 5 | crash = 3 | wildland = {{فهرست ساده| * 3 - [[Type 3 fire engine|Type 3]] * 5 - [[Type 6 fire engine|Type 6]] }} | bulldozers = 6 | airplanes = 4 | helicopters = 3 | fireboats = 2 | rescue boats = 1 | light and air = 2 <!-- Footer --> | website = {{وبگاه رسمی|http://www.sbcfire.com/|Official website}} | iaffweb = {{نشانی وب|http://www.iaff2046.org/|IAFF website}} }}
نام پارامترها و توضیحات مربوطه
[ویرایش]Note: All subjective or qualitative judgements and numerical quantities or statistics must be cited to a reliable source.
The infobox is intended as a quick reference. Don't add non-data items, like question marks, “none”, “see text” or links to article sections (the article's table of contents already does this). Only add “unknown” to assert that an information point is unknowable, not as a placeholder to show that it is missing from the article.
پارامترهای اولیهٔ رایج
[ویرایش]Parameter | Required | Explanation |
name | ![]() |
The name of the department. By default this will be the name of the page, if no value is provided. |
native_name | Name in local language if not English | |
native_name_lang | ISO 639-2 code for |native_name= e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead
| |
logo | An image of the department's logo. Simply include the fire name: |logo = ImageName.jpg
| |
motto | The شعار of the department. |
محدودهٔ عملیاتی
[ویرایش]Parameter | required | Explanation |
country | ![]() |
The country in which the department serves. |
subdivision_type1 | ![]() |
This represents the first level geographical subdivision. For example, in the ایالات متحده آمریکا, this would be a "state" and the value provided here would be: [[ایالت آمریکا]]
subdivision_name1 | ![]() |
The name of the first level subdivision. For example, in the ایالات متحده آمریکا this would be the name of the state that the department is in. |
subdivision_type2 | ![]() |
This represents the second level geographical subdivision. For example, in the ایالات متحده آمریکا, this could be a "county" and the value provided here would be: [[شهرستان در آمریکا]]
subdivision_name2 | ![]() |
The name of the second level subdivision. For example, in the ایالات متحده آمریکا this could be the name of the county that the department serves. |
subdivision_type3 | This represents the third level geographical subdivision. For example, in the ایالات متحده آمریکا, this could be a "city" and the value provided here would be: [[U.S. city|city]]
| |
subdivision_name3 | The name of the third level subdivision. For example, in the ایالات متحده آمریکا this could be the name of the city that the department serves. | |
address | The postal address of the department. This should only be used for Single-Station departments. | |
coordinates | Use {{Coord}} |
مشخصات سازمانی
[ویرایش]Parameter | Explanation |
reference1 | This is the reference for the below information. Rather than having a citation after each item, put the citation in the title of the section using this parameter. |
established | The date or year that the department was founded. Use {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}}
annual calls | The number of calls the department responds to annually. The year that the number is from should be included inside of {{small|(####)}} .
annual budget | The budget for the department. The year that the number is from should be included inside of {{small|(####)}} .
employees | The number of personnel working for the department. The year that the number is from should be included inside of {{small|(####)}} .
staffing | Whether the department is made of career members, volunteers or a combination of both. |
chief | The name of the fire chief for the department. |
captain | The name of the fire captain for the department. (Not all departments have a fire captain. Mostly small/volunteer departments.) |
commissioner | The name of the commissioner of the department. (Not all departments have a fire commissioner.) |
CFO | The name of the Chief Fire Officer of the department. (Specific to the بریتانیا.) |
BLSorALS | Whether department is Basic life support, Advanced life support or a combination |
iaff | International Association of Fire Fighters number (USA/Canada) |
امکانات و تجهیزات
[ویرایش]Parameter | Explanation |
reference2 | This is the reference for the below information. Rather than having a citation after each item, put the citation in the title of the section using this parameter. |
divisions | Number of operations divisions. Only very large departments have divisions. |
battalions | Number of battalions in the department. |
stations | Number of fire stations |
engines | Number of fire engines |
trucks | Number of fire trucks. |
quints | Number of quints. (see DO NOT DUPLICATE) |
ladders | Number of ladders. (see DO NOT DUPLICATE) |
tillers | Number of tiller trucks. (see DO NOT DUPLICATE) |
platforms | Number of platform trucks. (see DO NOT DUPLICATE) |
squads | Number of rescue squads. |
rescues | Number of heavy rescue vehicles |
ambulances | Number of آمبولانسs |
tenders | Number of water tenders and wildland fire tenders |
hazmat | Number of hazardous materials apparatus |
usar | Number of urban search and rescue vehicles |
crash | Number of airport crash tenders |
wildland | Number of wildland fire engines. When possible, list the types of engines (Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7). For example:
bulldozers | Number of بولدوزر |
airplanes | Number of آتشنشانی هوایی |
helicopters | Number of بالگردs |
fireboats | Number of fireboats. Not fireboats are not the same as rescue boats |
rescue boats | Number of rescue boats. These would include things like قایق بادی سختتنهs. |
light and air | Number of light and air units. |
دوبارهشماری نکنید
[ویرایش]Apparatus should only be counted once. A truck is EITHER a truck OR a tiller truck, not both. A quint (which could be considered an engine or a truck) should only be counted under quints.
[ویرایش]Parameter | Required | Explanation |
website | ![]() |
The وبگاه of the department. Use {{Official website}} |
iaffweb | website for the associated IAFF. Often has additional information about department & department history. |