پرش به محتوا

الگو:Infobox U.S. legislation/تمرین

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
Infobox U.S. legislation/تمرین
نشان بزرگ ایالات متحده
تاریخچه قانون‌گذاری
توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]


name (or shorttitle)
نشان بزرگ ایالات متحده
دیگر عنوان‌های کوتاهothershorttitles
عنوان بلندfullname (or longtitle)
سرنام(ها) (محاوره‌ای)acronyms (or acronym)
نام‌های مستعارnicknames (or nickname)
تصویب‌شده توسطکنگره مین ایالات متحده
اثربخشeffective date (or effectivedate)
اساسنامهٔ بزرگcite statutes at large
اقدامات اصلاح‌شدهacts amended (or actsamended)
اقدامات لغوشدهacts repealed (or actsrepealed)
عنوان‌های اصلاح‌شدهtitle amended (or titlesamended)
U.S.C. بخش‌های ایجادشده کد ایالات متحدهsections created (or sectionscreated)
بخش‌های اصلاح‌شدهٔ کد ایالات متحدهsections amended (or sectionsamended)
تاریخچه قانون‌گذاری
  • معرفی‌شده در introducedin به عنوان introducedbill توسط introducedby در introduceddate
  • رسیدگی کمیته توسط committees
  • تصویب passedbody1 در passeddate1 (passedvote1)
  • تصویب passedbody2 به عنوان passedas2 در passeddate2 (passedvote2) همراه اصلاح
  • گزارش‌شده توسط کمیته کنفرانس مشترک در conferencedate؛ به توافق رسیده توسط passedbody3 در passeddate3 (passedvote3) و توسط passedbody4 در passeddate4 (passedvote4)
  • agreedbody3 به توافق رسیده برای اصلاح passedbody2 در agreeddate3 (agreedvote3) همراه اصلاح بیشتر
  • agreedbody4 به توافق رسیده برای اصلاح agreedbody3 در agreeddate4 (agreedvote4)
  • به تصویب رسیده توسط رئیس‌جمهور signedpresident در signeddate
  • به تصویب نرسیده توسط رئیس‌جمهور unsignedpresident و در unsigneddate تبدیل به قانون شد
  • وتو شده توسط رئیس‌جمهور vetoedpresident در vetoeddate
  • بازنویسی توسط overriddenbody1 در overriddendate1 (overriddenvote1)
  • بازنویسی توسط overriddenbody2 و در overriddendate2 تبدیل به قانون شد (overriddenvote2)
اصلاحات بزرگ
پرونده‌های دیوان عالی ایالات متحده آمریکا
SCOTUS cases (or cases)
{{Infobox U.S. legislation
| shorttitle        = 
| othershorttitles  =
| longtitle         = <!--Starts "An act to..."-->
| colloquialacronym = 
| nickname          = 
| enacted by        = <!--Name of Congress. (e.g. 1st, 10th, 100th). Auto-links to corresponding page. Adding other characters breaks the link-->
| effective date    = 
| public law url    = 
| cite public law   = <!--{{uspl}} can be used-->
| cite statutes at large = <!--{{usstat}} can be used-->
| acts amended    = 
| acts repealed   = 
| title amended   = <!--US code titles changed-->
| sections created = <!--{{USC}} can be used-->
| sections amended = 
| leghisturl      = 
| introducedin    = <!--House or Senate-->
| introducedbill  = 
| introducedby    = <!--sponsor(s)-->
| introduceddate  = 
| committees      = 
| passedbody1     = 
| passeddate1     = 
| passedvote1     = 
| passedbody2     = 
| passedas2       = <!-- used if the second body changes the name of the legislation -->
| passeddate2     = 
| passedvote2     = 
| conferencedate  = 
| passedbody3     = 
| passeddate3     = 
| passedvote3     = 
| agreedbody3     = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreeddate3     = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreedvote3     = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreedbody4     = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| agreeddate4     = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| agreedvote4     = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| passedbody4     = 
| passeddate4     = 
| passedvote4     = 
| signedpresident = 
| signeddate      = 
| unsignedpresident = <!-- used when passed without presidential signing -->
| unsigneddate    = <!-- used when passed without presidential signing -->
| vetoedpresident = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| vetoeddate      = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenbody1 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddendate1 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenvote1 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenbody2 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddendate2 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| overriddenvote2 = <!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->
| amendments      = 
| SCOTUS cases    = 


TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
گزارش خطای ماهیانه برای این الگو را ببینید.

الگوداده Infobox U.S. legislation

An infobox for US federal legislation.

پارامترهای الگو[ویرایش داده‌های الگو]

این الگو، قالب‌بندی شخصی‌سازی‌شده دارد

Short titleshorttitle name

The short title of the act, usually found in the first section of the act. Include year of enactment only if the date is part of the short title. If an act has multiple short titles, include only one short title here; specifically, include here only the first short title that is given in the act, unless common usage of a different short title dictates otherwise.

Other short titlesothershorttitles

If the act has more than one short title, list all other short titles here. Include acronyms only if the acronym itself is given in the bill as a short title; otherwise, list the acronym in the "colloquial acronym" component.

Long titlelongtitle fullname

The long title of the act. It is prefaced before the enumerated provisions contained in the act. For example, the long title for the Civil Rights Act of 1866 is "An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their Vindication."

Acronyms (colloquial)acronyms colloquialacronym acronym

If applicable, an abbreviated designation of the act's short title(s). For example, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is often represented by the acronym VRA. However, if an acronym is listed in the bill as alternative short title, do NOT put the acronym here; instead, list in the "othershorttitles" field.

Nicknamesnicknames nickname

Commonly used nickname(s) for the act (other than colloquial acronyms).

Enacted byenacted by

The numerical designation of the Congress that passed the bill. For example, 1st, 10th, or 100th. The numerical designation will auto-link to corresponding wiki link page for that Congress. Adding other characters beyond the example before stated will break the link.

the [[{{{enacted by}}} United States Congress]]
Effective dateeffective date effectivedate

The date the act will start to be the law. This is NOT the same as the date the bill was signed into law.

Cite public lawcite public law

Public law citation, in {{uspl|<congress term>|<number>}} format

Cite statutes at largecite statutes at large

Statute at law citation in {{USStat}} format


بدون توصیف

Public law URLpublic law url

Link to official information on the public law


بدون توصیف


بدون توصیف

Acts amendedactsamended acts amended

بدون توصیف

Acts repealedactsrepealed acts repealed

بدون توصیف

Titles amendedtitlesamended titles amended

بدون توصیف

Sections createdsectionscreated sections created

بدون توصیف

Sections amendedsectionsamended sections amended

بدون توصیف

Legislative history URLleghisturl

Page containing the Act's legislative history

Introduced inintroducedin

Whether the legislation was introduced in the Senate or the House of Representatives

[[United States House of Representatives|House of Representatives]]
Introducing billintroducedbill

The bill introducing the legislation, in {{USBill}} format

Introduced byintroducedby

The politician who introduced the legislation

[[John Cornyn]] (R-TX)
Introduced dateintroduceddate

Date the legislation was introduced

September 16, 2015

Congressional committees that oversee/oversaw the legilsation

[[United States House Committee on Natural Resources]] Judiciary; Education and the Workforce
Passed body 1passedbody1

The first legislative body that passed the legislation

Passed date 1passeddate1

Date of first legislative passage

September 18, 2016
Passed vote 1passedvote1

Vote count and preferably external link showing which politicians voted

[https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=104&session=1&vote=00242 91–8]
Passed body 2passedbody2

2nd body that passed the legislation

114th Congress (2015-2016)
Passed as 2passedas2

used if the second body changes the name of the legislation

"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"
Passed date 2passeddate2

Date of second passage of the legislation

June 9th, 2016
Passed vote 2passedvote2

Vote count and preferably external link showing which politicians voted

without objection
Agreed body 3agreedbody3

بدون توصیف

Passed body 3passedbody3

بدون توصیف

Conferenced dateconferencedate

بدون توصیف

January 26, 2019
Passed date 3passeddate3

Date of third passage

April 17, 1996
Passed vote 3passedvote3

Vote count and preferably external link showing which politicians voted

[https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=104&session=2&vote=00071 91-8]
Passed body 4passedbody4

4th body to pass the legislation. Senate or House of Representatives

House of Representatives
Passed date 4passeddate4

Date of fourth passage

April 18, 1996
Passed vote 4passedvote4

Vote count and preferably external link showing which politicians voted

[https://clerk.house.gov/evs/1996/roll126.xml 293–133]
Agreed date 3agreeddate3

بدون توصیف

Agreed vote 3agreedvote3

Vote count and preferably external link showing which politicians voted

Agreed body 4agreedbody4

Fourth agreeing legislative body

Agreed date 4agreeddate4

بدون توصیف

March 16, 2017
Agreed vote 4agreedvote4

Vote count and preferably external link showing which politicians voted

Signing presidentsignedpresident

President who signed the bill into law

Barack Obama
نام صفحهپیشنهادشده
Date signedsigneddate

Date the bill was signed into law

December 21, 2018
Unsigning presidentunsignedpresident

President who unsigned the law, if applicable

نام صفحهپیشنهادشده
Date unsignedunsigneddate

Date the law was unsigned, if applicable

Vetoing presidentvetoedpresident

President who vetoed the bill, if applicable

Barack Obama
نام صفحهپیشنهادشده
Date vetoedvetoeddate

Date the bill was vetoed, if applicable

September 23, 2016
Overridden body 1overriddenbody1

The first legislative body to override a veto on the legislation, if applicable

[[United States Senate|Senate]]
Overridden date 1overriddendate1

Date the first body overrode the veto

September 28, 2016
Overridden vote 1overriddenvote1

Votes to override the veto, it Y–N format. Use {{subst:en dash}} if needed.

Overridden body 2overriddenbody2

The second legislative body to override a veto on the legislation, if applicable

[[United States House of Representatives|House]]
Overridden date 2overriddendate2

Date the second body overrode the veto

September 28, 2016
Overridden vote 2overriddenvote2

Votes to override the veto, it Y–N format. Use {{subst:en dash}} if needed.


Amendments to the bill or law at a later date

[[Credit CARD Act of 2009]]

بدون توصیف

SCOTUS casesSCOTUS cases

United States Supreme Court cases related to the law


{| class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="background:white;font-size:95%;line-height:1.35em;" |+ ''Infobox U.S. legislation'' parameters and basic guidelines ! scope="col" style="background-color: whitesmoke;" | Field name ! scope="col" style="background-color: whitesmoke;" | Type ! scope="col" style="background-color: whitesmoke;" | Description ! scope="col" style="background-color: whitesmoke;" | Recommended values |- | '''shorttitle''' | Required | The short title of the act, usually found in the first section of the act. Include year of enactment only if the date is part of the short title. If an act has multiple short titles, include only one short title here; specifically, usually include here only the first short title that is given in the act, unless common usage of a different short title dictates otherwise. | rowspan="3" | plain text |- | '''othershorttitles''' | Optional | If the act has more than one short title, list all other short titles here. Include acronyms only if the acronym itself is given in the bill as a short title; otherwise, list the acronym in the "colloquial acronym" component. |- | '''longtitle''' | Required | The long title of the act. It is prefaced before the enumerated provisions contained in the act. For example, the long title for the Civil Rights Act of 1866 is "''An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their Vindication."'' |- | '''colloquialacronym''' | Optional | If applicable, an abbreviated designation of the act's short title(s). For example, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is often represented by the acronym VRA. However, if an acronym is listed in the bill as alternative short title, do NOT put the acronym here; instead, list in the "othershorttitles" field. |- | '''nickname''' | Optional | Commonly used nickname(s) for the act (other than colloquial acronyms). |- | '''enacted by''' | Required | The numerical designation of the Congress that passed the bill. For example, 1st, 10th, or 100th. The numerical designation will auto-link to corresponding wiki link page for that Congress. Adding other characters beyond the example before stated will break the link. | number and plain text |- | '''effective date''' | Optional, desirable | The date the act will start to be the law. This is NOT the same as the date the bill was signed into law. | date |- | '''public law url''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''cite public law''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''cite statutes at large''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''acts amended''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''acts repealed''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''title amended''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''sections created''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''sections amended''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''leghisturl''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''introducedin''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''introducedbill''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''introducedby''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''introduceddate''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''committees''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedbody1''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passeddate1''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedvote1''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedvote2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedbody2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedas2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passeddate2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedvote2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''conferencedate''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedbody3''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passeddate3''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedvote3''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''agreedbody3''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''agreeddate3''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''agreedvote3''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''agreedbody4''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''agreeddate4''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''agreedvote4''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedbody4''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passeddate4''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''passedvote4''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''signedpresident''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''signeddate''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''unsignedpresident''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''unsigneddate''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''vetoedpresident''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''vetoeddate''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''overriddenbody1''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''overriddendate1''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''overriddenvote1''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''overriddenbody2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''overriddendate2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''overriddenvote2''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''amendments''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- | '''SCOTUS cases''' | <!--State whether this type of field name is Required, Optional, or Optional-desirable--> | <!--Place description of field name here--> | <!--State whether recommended value is plain text, number, date, references, or wikitext. If the value may include links to valid articles or other formatting, then provide brief description--> |- |}

رده ردیابی


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