پرش به محتوا

الگو:Infobox Indian jurisdiction/توضیحات

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

نحوه استفاده



{{Infobox Indian jurisdiction
| type               = 
| native_name        = 
| state_name         = 
| district           = 
| latd = |latm = |lats = 
| longd= |longm= |longs= 
| area_total         = 
| area_magnitude     = 
| altitude           = 
| population_total   = 
| population_as_of   = 
| population_density = 
| leader_title_1     = 
| leader_name_1      = 
| leader_title_2     = 
| leader_name_2      = 
| footnotes          = 


{{Infobox Indian jurisdiction
| type                    = 
| native_name             = 
| other_name              = <!-- optional -->
| nickname                = 
| iucn_category           = <!-- for protected areas only -->
| state_name              = 
| metro                   = <!-- for neighbourhoods/suburbs only -->
| skyline                 = 
| skyline_alt             = 
| skyline_caption         = 
| latd = |latm = |lats = 
| longd= |longm= |longs= 
| base_map                = <!-- only if default map not wanted -->
| base_map_alt            = <!-- needed even if default map is used -->
| inset_map_alt           = <!-- likewise -->
| locator_position        = <!-- left/right -->
| base_map_label          = <!-- yes/no -->
| inset_map_marker        = <!-- yes/no -->
| map_caption             = 
| area_total              = 
| area_magnitude          = 
| area_rank               = 
| area_total_cite         = 
| area_metro              = 
| area_metro_cite         = 
| altitude                = 
| altitude_cite           = 
| coastline               = 
| International_Border    = 
| climate                 = 
| precip                  = 
| temp_annual             = 
| temp_winter             = 
| temp_summer             = 
| destinatione_1          = 
| direction_1             = 
| distance_1              = 
| mode_1                  = 
| destinatione_2          = 
| direction_2             = 
| distance_2              = 
| mode_2                  = 
| destinatione_3          = 
| direction_3             = 
| distance_3              = 
| mode_3                  = 
| destinatione_4          = 
| direction_4             = 
| distance_4              = 
| mode_4                  = 
| capital                 = <!-- for states/territories/regions only -->
| hq                      = <!-- for districts only -->
| largest_city            = 
| largest_metro           = 
| nearest_city            = 
| region                  = 
| division                = 
| district                = <!-- names -->
| districts               = <!-- number -->
| taluk_names             = 
| population_total        = 
| population_rank         = 
| population_as_of        = 
| population_total_cite   = 
| population_density      = 
| population_density_cite = 
| population_metro        = 
| population_metro_rank   = 
| population_metro_as_of  = 
| population_metro_cite   = 
| sex_ratio               = 
| HDI                     =
| HDI_rank                =
| HDI_year                =
| HDI_category            =
| literacy                = 
| literacy_rank           = 
| literacy_male           = 
| literacy_female         = 
| official_languages      = <!--For several entries use "collapsible list" (see below)-->
| regional_languages      = <!--Officially recognized languages-->
| languages_type          = <!--Other type of languages -->
| languages               = <!--Other languages list-->
| ethnic_groups           = <!--List/breakdown of ethnic groups-->
| ethnic_groups_year      = <!--Year of ethnic data (if provided)-->
| leader_title_1          = 
| leader_name_1           = 
| leader_title_2          = 
| leader_name_2           = 
| leader_title_3          = 
| leader_name_3           = 
| established_title       = 
| established_date        = 
| legislature_type        = 
| legislature_strength    = 
| parliament_const        = 
| assembly_const          = 
| planning_agency         = 
| civic_agency            = 
| corp_zone               = 
| corp_ward               = 
| jurisdiction_title_1    = 
| jurisdiction_name_1     = 
| jurisdiction_title_2    = 
| jurisdiction_name_2     = 
| jurisdiction_title_3    = 
| jurisdiction_name_3     = 
| blank_title_1           = 
| blank_value_1           = 
| blank_title_2           = 
| blank_value_2           = 
| blank_title_3           = 
| blank_value_3           = 
| blank_title_4           = 
| blank_value_4           = 
| abbreviation            = <!-- ISO 3166-2 -->
| area_telephone          = 
| postal_code             = 
| unlocode                = 
| vehicle_code_range      = 
| website                 = 
| website_caption         = 
| portal                  = 
| footnotes               = 
| seal                    = 
| seal_size               = 
| seal_alt                = 
| seal_caption            = 
| coord_title             = <!-- yes/no -->