پرش به محتوا

الگو:GNF Protein box

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
GNF Protein box
نماد ژن {{{Symbol}}}{{{AltSymbols}}}
گونه‌ها انسان موش
آنتره ندارد ندارد
آنسامبل ندارد ندارد
UniProt ندارد ندارد
RefSeq (mRNA) ندارد ندارد
RefSeq (protein) ندارد ندارد
موقعیت (UCSC) ندارد ندارد
جستجوی پاب‌مد ندارد ندارد
توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]

Discussion of this template can be found on the talk page. Discussion of the Gene Wiki project as a whole can be found at Portal:Gene Wiki/Discussion.

To use this template, copy the following text and paste it at the top of your article. Fill in as many fields as possible, but don't worry if some information is missing. For an example of a filled-out template, see ITK (gene).

| Name = 
| image = 
| image_source = 
| PDB =  
| HGNCid = 
| MGIid = 
| Symbol = 
| AltSymbols = 
| OMIM = 
| ECnumber = 
| Homologene = 
| GeneAtlas_image = 
| Function = 
| NotAProtein = 
| Orthologs =
| Hs_EntrezGene =
| Hs_Ensembl =
| Hs_RefseqmRNA =
| Hs_RefseqProtein =
| Hs_GenLoc_db =
| Hs_GenLoc_chr = 
| Hs_GenLoc_start =
| Hs_GenLoc_end =
| Hs_Uniprot =
| Mm_EntrezGene = 
| Mm_Ensembl = 
| Mm_RefseqmRNA = 
| Mm_RefseqProtein = 
| Mm_GenLoc_db = mm9
| Mm_GenLoc_chr = 
| Mm_GenLoc_start = 
| Mm_GenLoc_end = 
| Mm_Uniprot = 
| Path =

Parameter explanations

  • This field lists the full name of the protein, ideally from a nomenclature authority like HGNC. Note that there is a separate symbol field below.
  • This field specifies an image file that displays a two-dimensional view of the three-dimensional structure, typically created from a بانک داده پروتئین file.
  • If an image is specified, then the image_source parameter should be used to specify the structure used to generate the image, preferably using the Template:PDB2.
  • This field is used to display a list of available PDB entries. Enter as a list of PDB templates, e.g., "{{PDB2|1SNX}}, {{PDB2|2ETZ}}"




  • This field lists the official symbol of the protein, ideally from a nomenclature authority like HGNC. Note that there is a separate Name field above.


  • This field lists other symbols that are used in public databases or in the literature.




  • This field lists the unique identifer in the HomoloGene database.


  • This field gives the filename of a GeneAtlas expression pattern, showing where the gene is expressed across diverse anatomic tissues. Replace # with a value 1 to 3.


  • This field provides a path to an image which shows the protein domain structure. (Optional)


  • This field lists gene function, typically derived from Gene Ontology. This entry can be populated as a list of GNF_GO templates, e.g., "{{GNF_GO|id=GO:0000166}}{{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004715}}"


  • This field lists gene component function, typically derived from Gene Ontology. This entry can be populated as a list of GNF_GO templates, e.g., "{{GNF_GO|id=GO:0000166}}{{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004715}}"


  • This field lists gene process function, typically derived from Gene Ontology. This entry can be populated as a list of GNF_GO templates, e.g., "{{GNF_GO|id=GO:0000166}}{{GNF_GO|id=GO:0004715}}"




  • If this parameter is present, "view/discuss/edit" links will be added to the bottom of the infobox, pointing to the named template. The template is normally named "PBB/<entrez id>" where <entrez id> normally is the Hs_EntrezGene (the human EntrezGene accession number).




  • This field lists the unique identifer in the ChEMBL database.

See also
