[[{{country_IOC_alias_{{{1}}}|}} at the Olympics|{{country_IOC_alias_{{{1}}}|}}]] [[Image:{{country_flag_IOC_alias_{{{1}}}|}}|22x20px|border|alt=|link=]]
This template is almost identical to {{FlagIOC}}, but it aligns the resulting text and flag to the right for use within sports results templates. Intended use mainly for the بازیهای المپیک جوانان where linking to a national sports team would be inappropriate due to the age group difference.
This template is used to display a small flag and name of a country, with a wikilink to the country's page for the specified Olympic games.
- code is an کمیته بینالمللی المپیک country code (see فهرست کدهای کمیته بینالمللی المپیک).
- games is a string of the form <year> Summer, <year> Winter, or just Summer or Winter. Wikipedia:WikiProject Olympics has created a full set of pages of the form "<country> at the <year> <Summer/Winter> Olympics" and the intent is that this template can be used from medal tables and event result tables to point to the right country page. Also, the correct historical flag is chosen based on this string, for countries that had different flags in the past.
- athletes is the number of athletes that the nation contributed to the specific Olympics. It is an optional argument, and will render a small (#) after the nation's name.
→ ایالات متحده آمریکا{{flagIOC-rt|GER|Winter}}
→ آلمان{{flagIOC-rt|ESP|2004 Summer}}
→ اسپانیا{{flagIOC-rt|CHN|2006 Winter}}
→ چین{{flagIOC-rt|CAN|1924 Winter}}
→ کانادا{{flagIOC-rt|GRE|2004 Summer|441}}
→ یونان (441){{flagIOC-rt|SIN|2010 Summer Youth|136}}
→ سنگاپور (136){{flagIOC-rt|POR||125}}
→ پرتغال (125)