پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

<imagemap>: باید در اولین سطر یک تصویر را مشخص کنید

توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]



To provide an image map that links to all elements and other selected pages from within the navigational pane of عنصر (شیمی) infoboxes.


Use in Template:Elementbox but can be used alone. Parameters for symbol, name and crystal structure must be specified in corresponding chemical element infobox or passed directly (see example below).

* If crystal structure is not known, then unknown must be passed as the parameter value for crystal structure.




  | symbol=O
  | crystal structure=cubic
  | name=oxygen
  | period=2
  | number=8
  }} gives:

descriptionLiHHeNumber of neutrons for the most abundant or stable isotope of oxygenoxygen has 8 protonsSymbol for oxygen showing Lewis structure (when available)oxygen has 2 electron shellsoxygen has a cubic crystal systemp-block elementd-block elementf-block elements-block elementNaKRbCsFrBeMgCaSrBaRaLaAcCeThPrPaNdUPmNpSmPuEuAmGdCmTbBkDyCfHoEsErFmTmMdYbNoLuLrNeArKrXeRnOgScYFClBrIAtTsOSSeTePoLvNPAsSbBiMcCSiGeSnPbFlBAlGaInTlNhZnCdHgCnCuAgAuRgNiPdPtDsCoRhIrMtFeRuOsHsMnTcReBhCrMoWSgVNbTaDbTiZrHfRf

See also
