پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
Code {{Nihongo|English|kanji/kana|rōmaji|extra|extra2}}
Gives English (kanji/kana rōmaji؟, extra) extra2

This template marks the kanji segment as being in Japanese kanji and/or kana, which helps user agents (web browsers and so on) to display it correctly. It also applies the t_nihongo_kanji CSS class.

  • English. Optional. The word as translated into English. Note that this will sometimes be the actual Japanese word due to it being adopted into English.
  • kanji/kana. Required. The word in Japanese kanji and/or kana, the logographic writing system.
  • rōmaji. Optional. The word in Japanese rōmaji, the Romanized syllabic writing system used for foreign words. Also known as a "transliteration".
  • extra. Optional. Can also be expressed as a named parameter, extra=
  • extra2. Optional. Can also be expressed as a named parameter, extra2=. It is only useful in ";" definitions (extra2 will be displayed without bold, whereas text following the template will get the bold).



Regular use:

Code {{Nihongo|English|英語|eigo}}
Gives English (英語 eigo؟)

Without English:

Code {{Nihongo||英語|eigo}}
Gives eigo (英語؟)

With extra2:


; {{Nihongo||虚無僧|komusō|extra2="Priest of nothingness"}}
: Mendicant priest of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism.

komusō (虚無僧؟) "Priest of nothingness"
Mendicant priest of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism.

Without extra2:


; {{Nihongo||虚無僧|komusō}} "Priest of nothingness"
: Mendicant priest of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism.

komusō (虚無僧؟) "Priest of nothingness"
Mendicant priest of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism.

User style


User style can be set by adding code similar to

@media screen, tv {
	*[lang="ja"] {
		color: green;


@media screen, tv {
	.t_nihongo_kanji {
		color: green;

to common.css.

See also

  • {{Nihongo3}}, essentially the same as this template, but gives rōmaji first and English inside the parentheses
  • {{Nihongo2}}, also displays the kanji properly, but without adding anything in parentheses, without rōmaji and without the extra parameters
  • {{Nihongo title}}, same as this version, but formatted for long titles.
  • {{Nihongo foot}}, same as this version, but puts everything but the English into a footnote.