اقتصاد روستا
(تغییرمسیر از اقتصاد روستایی)
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اقتصاد روستا یا اقتصاد روستایی (به انگلیسی:Rural economics) مطالعه اقتصاد در جوامع انسانی روستایی است، از جمله:
- صنعت کشاورزی و غیر کشاورزی[۱]
- رشد اقتصادی، توسعه و تغییر[۲]
- اندازه و توزیع فضایی واحدهای تولیدی و خانگی و تجارت بین منطقه ای[۳]
- کاربری زمین[۴]
- مسکن[۵] و موضوعات غیر مسکنی از نظر عرضه و تقاضا
- مهاجرت و کم شدن جمعیت روستاها[۶]
- امور مالی[۷]
- سیاستهای دولت در زمینه توسعه، سرمایهگذاری، مقررات و حمل و نقل[۸]
- تجزیه و تحلیل تعادل عمومی و رفاه، به عنوان مثال، وابستگیهای متقابل در سیستم و نابرابری درآمد روستایی-شهری[۹]
جستارهای وابسته
[ویرایش]- ↑ • Gustav Ranis and Frances Stewart (1993). "Rural Nonagricultural Activities in Development: Theory and Application," Journal of Development Economics, 40(1), pp. 75-101. Abstract.
• Jean O. Lanjouwb and Peter Lanjouw (2001). "The Rural Non-farm Sector: Issues and Evidence from Developing Countries," Agricultural Economics, 26(1), pp. 1-23. Abstract.
• Thomas Reardon et al. (2008). "Effects of Non-Farm Employment on Rural Income Inequality in Developing Countries: An Investment Perspective," Journal of Agricultural Economics,51(2), pp. 266-288. Abstract. - ↑ • Thomas P. Tomich, Peter Kilby, and Bruce F. Johnston (1995). Transforming Agrarian Economies. Arrow-page searchable.
• Alain de Janvry, Rinku Murgai, and Elisabeth Sadoulet (2002). "Rural Development and Rural Policy," in Handbook of Agricultural Economics, v. 2A (scrollable preview), ch. 31. Abstract. بایگانیشده در ۱۲ مارس ۲۰۱۲ توسط Wayback Machine
• Bruce L. Gardner (2005). "Causes of Rural Economic Development," Agricultural Economics, 32(s1), pp. 21-41. Abstract.
• Kiminori Matsuyama (2008). "Structural change," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition. Abstract.
• Steven C. Deller et al. (2001). "The Role of Amenities and Quality of Life in Rural Economic Growth," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(2), pp. 352-365 بایگانیشده در ۲۰۱۱-۰۷-۲۱ توسط Wayback Machine (close Pages tab). - ↑ • Anthony J. Venables (2008). "New economic geography." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition.Abstract.
• France Ivry (1994). Agricultural Household Modelling and Family Economics. Elsevier. Abstract[پیوند مرده]. - ↑ • Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet (2008). "access to land and development," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition. Abstract.
• JunJie Wu (2008). "Land Use Changes: Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts," Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues, 23(4), pp. 6-10 (press +). - ↑ Stephen Sheppard (1999). "Hedonic Analysis of Housing Markets," Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, v. 3, ch. 41, pp. 1595-1635. Abstract.
- ↑ • James Roumasset (2008). "population and agricultural growth," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition.
• David McGranahan (1999).Natural Amenities Drive Rural Population Change. Agricultural Economic Report No. (AER781) 32 pp, Description and chapter links. بایگانیشده در ۲۰۰۹-۰۴-۰۳ توسط Wayback Machine - ↑ • Michael R. Carter (2008), "agricultural finance," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition.Abstract.
• Karla Hoff and Joseph E. Stiglitz (1993). "Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets: Puzzles and Policy Perspectives," in Karla Hoff, Avishay Braverman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, ed. , Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice and Policy, ch. 2, pp. 33-52 (press +).
• Rodrigo A. Chaves and Claudio Gonzalez-Vega (1996). "The Design of Successful Rural Financial Intermediaries: Evidence from Indonesia," World Development, 24(1), pp. 65-78. Abstract. - ↑ • John W. Mellor (2008). "agriculture and economic development," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
• Christopher B. Barrett and Emelly Mutambatsere (2008). "agricultural markets in developing countries," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
• Karla Hoff, Avishay Braverman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, ed. (1993). Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice and Policy. Oxford University Press for the World Bank.
• William A. Galston and Karen Baehler (1995). Rural Development in the United States: Connecting Theory, Practice, and Possibilities. Wash. , D.C. : Island Press. Description and TOC link.
• Alan Okagaki, Kris Palmer, and Neil S. Mayer (1998). Strengthening Rural Economics. Wash. , D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development. Description بایگانیشده در ۲۰۰۹-۰۵-۰۹ توسط Wayback Machine and PDF (press +). - ↑ • JunJie Wu, Paul W. Barkley, and Bruce A. Weber, ed. (2008). Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics. Resources for the Future. شابک ۹۷۸−۱−۹۳۳۱۱۵−۶۵−۸.Description. بایگانیشده در ۲۰۰۸-۱۰-۳۱ توسط Wayback Machine • JEL classification codes#Urban, rural, and regional economics JEL: R Subcategories • Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet (2007). "Toward a Territorial Approach to Rural Development," Journal of Agricultural and Development, 4(1), pp. 66-98.[پیوند مرده]
برای مطالعه بیشتر
[ویرایش]- Thomas Nixon Carver (1911). Principles of Rural Economics. Chapter links, pp. vii-x.
- _____, ed. (1926). Selected Readings in Rural Economics, Chapter links, pp. vii-x.
- John Ise (1920). "What is Rural Economics," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 34(2), pp. 300-۳۱۲.
- Yves Léon (2005). "Rural Development in Europe: A Research Frontier for Agricultural Economists," European Review of Agricultural Economics, 32(3), pp. 301–317. Abstract.
- Ida J. Terluin and Jaap H. Post, ed. (2001). Employment Dynamics in Rural Europe. Chapter previews.