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پرونده:The Portrait of Koxinga.jpg

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از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

پروندهٔ اصلی (۵۳۷ × ۹۰۰ پیکسل، اندازهٔ پرونده: ۱۴۲ کیلوبایت، نوع MIME پرونده: image/jpeg)


ناشناس: Portrait of Koxinga  wikidata:Q28914153 reasonator:Q28914153
ناشناسUnknown author
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
The Portrait of Koxinga
نوع شیء نقاشی ویرایش در ویکی‌داده
ژانر چهره‌نگاری ویرایش در ویکی‌داده
اشخاص تصویرشده کوشنگا ویرایش در ویکی‌داده
تاریخ اواسط سدهٔ 17
date QS:P571,+1650-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P4241,Q40719748
تکنیک/سبک Hanging scroll, ink and colors on paper
ابعاد بلندی: ۱۰۰٫۰ سانتی‌متر؛ عرض: ۶۰٫۰ سانتی‌متر
dimensions QS:P2048,100U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,60U174728
institution QS:P195,Q706692
تاریخ شیء

The portrait was said to have been done while Koxinga was still alive in Tainan (臺南) and to have been commissioned by Koxinga himself. After Zheng Keshuang (鄭克塽, 1670-1717, Koxinga's grandson) surrendered to the Qing dynasty, Zheng Zhang (鄭長, Koxinga's cousin) took this painting to Houshanbei (後山陂) in Taipei for safekeeping. In 1911, the painting was passed down to Zheng Weilong (鄭維隆, Zheng Zhang's fifth-generation descendant), while Taiwan was under Japanese rule. Governor-General Sakuma (佐久間) suggested that the painting be sent to the then Taiwan Shinto Shrine (臺灣神社), which was later changed to the Koxinga Shrine (延平郡王祠). After the restoration of Taiwan to Chinese rule in 1945, the painting was transferred to the Taiwan Provincial Museum, which is now the National Taiwan Museum.

The painting was in a severe state of deterioration. Thus, from 2004, the National Taiwan Museum requested from the Preparatory Office of the National Center for the Research and Preservation of Cultural Properties to investigate and analyze the painting. In the end, the painting was handed over to the Mounting Room of the National Palace Museum for conservation with the restoration being completed in December 2008. Afterwards, it was displayed in the National Palace Museum from January to March 2009 before its return to the National Taiwan Museum.

This file depicts the painting in its restored condition during its time at the National Palace Museum.
یادداشت‌ها The painting is thought to be made when Koxinga (1624-1662) was alive in Tainan, thus making it likely the earliest extant painting of the man himself.
منابع The Rebirth of a Painting: Restoring "The Portrait of Koxinga" (exhibit). Taipei: National Palace Museum.
منبع/عکاس Selections. The Rebirth of a Painting: Restoring "The Portrait of Koxinga" (exhibit). Taipei: National Palace Museum.
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شرحی یک‌خطی از محتوای این فایل اضافه کنید
Portrait of Koxianga

آیتم‌هایی که در این پرونده نمایش داده شده‌اند


Portrait of Koxinga انگلیسی

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