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پرونده:Medal, decoration (AM 2001.25.56-4).jpg

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پروندهٔ اصلی (۳٬۶۴۸ × ۲٬۷۳۶ پیکسل، اندازهٔ پرونده: ۲٫۰۸ مگابایت، نوع MIME پرونده: image/jpeg)


Medal, decoration   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
نامعلومUnknown author
Medal, decoration
نوع شیء Nursing/medical services/wars
Classification: 276
English: Royal Red Cross 2nd Class (ARRC) awarded to Sister Emma Bennett (French Red Cross, QAIMNSR, NZANS), WW1 silver cross, 35 mm width, plain ring suspension, with ribbon, Obverse- enamelled red, with broad silver edges around the enamel, a circular medallion bearing effigy of reigning monarch. Reverse- circular medallion bearing the Royal Cypher of the reigning monarch (Geo V - GRI), as well as the words "Faith", "Hope" and "Charity" inscribed on the upper limbs of the cross, with the year "1883" in the lower limb ribbon- 32mm wide grosgrain, dark blue with crimson edge stripes
تاریخ World War 1, 1914-18-wars; 17 Jul 2001; George V (1910 - 1936)-House of Windsor-English reign; 15 Aug 2001; (1915-1919)

depth: 7mm
height: 41mm
width: 35mm
width: 25mm
height: 65mm
width: 85mm

notes: medal: h x w: 41mm x 35mm ribbon: w: 25mm
institution QS:P195,Q758657
محل ساخت Belgium; Unknown; France
تاریخ نمایش Display: 7G 34
خط اعتبار Brent Mackrell Collection, Auckland War Memorial Museum Tamaki Paenga Hira, 2001.25.56
یادداشت‌ها Royal Red Cross 2nd Class (ARRC) (Geo V - GRI) Sister Emma Bennett, ARRC (French Red Cross, QAIMNSR, NZANS), WW1 Emma Louise Bennett served with the French Red Cross, the British Red Cross, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (QAIMNS), and finally with the New Zealand Army Nursing Service (NZANS) in Egypt and in the United Kingdom, and attained the rank of Matron. She received decorations from three countries - she was awarded Associate Royal Red Cross (ARRC), the Medaille de la Reconnaissance Francaise 2 July 1919 3rd Class (France), and the Médaille de la Reine Elisabeth (Belgium). Emma Bennett trained in Christchurch, graduating in 1898, and received her NZ Registered Nursing Certificate in 1902. she was in Paris when war broke out and joined the French Red Cross. Sydney Herald article (2 July ()- “Miss Louise Bennett, who is at present staying at the Edith Cavell Home for Nurses, Summer Hill, is among the women who gave signal service as a nurse to the Empire during the Great War. The official recognition that Miss Bennett received for such service includes the Royal Red Cross, the 1914 Star and the General Service Medal (British War Medal), the Victory Medal, La Reconnaissance Francaise and the Belgian Medallion. Miss Bennett was in Paris when the war broke out. She Returned to England, joined with Lord Kitchener’s troops, and later was with a Red Cross unit at the clearing station at Calais. Or the next five years Miss Bennett’s life was lived in the midst of war, and the aftermath of war. She was at Wimereux, then later on the Gloucester Castle which she joined shortly after the landing at Gallipoli, and remained with until after the evacuation. The Gloucester Castle conveyed wounded men from Gallipoli to Malta, Alexandria, and made one trip to England. The ship went up close to the beaches, and within range of fire. Miss Bennett’s recollection of those days is linked with her memory of many Australian and other dominion troops. Miss Bennett became matron of the Khedival Clearing Station for nurses at Alexandria a little later in her career. Her health gave way after she had been some time at this work, and she Returned to England, where after a rest, she engaged in hospital ambulance work, and travelled many thousands of miles in the British Isles. Another period of service at Alexandria, and as acting matron of the Citadel Hospital at Cairo filled in the later years. After the war Miss Bennett was matron of the hospital at St Helens. She had been in New Zealand for some time before her arrival in Sydney.”

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انتساب: Auckland Museum
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کنونی۲۴ ژانویهٔ ۲۰۱۸، ساعت ۰۵:۲۲تصویر بندانگشتی از نسخهٔ مورخ ۲۴ ژانویهٔ ۲۰۱۸، ساعت ۰۵:۲۲۳٬۶۴۸ در ۲٬۷۳۶ (۲٫۰۸ مگابایت)Auckland Museum Page 215.74 Object #21573 2001.25.56 Image 4/6 http://api.aucklandmuseum.com/id/media/v/220522

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