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پرونده:Félix Manuaku Waku and Papa Wemba, Tam Tam, 1970.jpg

محتوای صفحه در زبان‌های دیگر پشتیبانی نمی‌شود
از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

پروندهٔ اصلی (۱٬۲۸۴ × ۱٬۲۸۱ پیکسل، اندازهٔ پرونده: ۲۶۱ کیلوبایت، نوع MIME پرونده: image/jpeg)


English: Captured in a time-honored moment, this vintage shot from 1970 discloses the musical prowess of Félix Manuaku Waku and Papa Wemba in the streets of Kinshasa, Zaire. They blend their voices, guitar strums, and the rhythmic beats of the tam-tam drum, painting the air with melodies that echo through the ages. Félix Manuaku Waku, a virtuoso guitarist, and Papa Wemba, renowned for his enchanting voice, united their talents to create an extraordinary synergy that was truly fascinating.
منبع https://twitter.com/viii_iii_xciii/status/1277441829596790789?s=46&t=lD0d0dclq4WAR9NkzYP5JQ
پدیدآور Patrick Mongombe


Public domain This work was first published in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Ordinance-Law No. 86-033 of 5 April 1986 on the Protection of Copyright and Neighboring Rights (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous, pseudonymous or posthumous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a photographic work, and 25 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is another kind of work, and 50 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is an "official act of authority" and ineligible for copyright protection; however "literary, artistic, or scientific publications produced by the authorities" are copyrighted by the government


شرحی یک‌خطی از محتوای این فایل اضافه کنید
Félix Manuaku Waku and Papa Wemba In Kinshasa, Zaire, 1970

آیتم‌هایی که در این پرونده نمایش داده شده‌اند


تاریخچهٔ پرونده

روی تاریخ/زمان‌ها کلیک کنید تا نسخهٔ مربوط به آن هنگام را ببینید.

کنونی۲۲ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۰۹:۵۵تصویر بندانگشتی از نسخهٔ مورخ ۲۲ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۰۹:۵۵۱٬۲۸۴ در ۱٬۲۸۱ (۲۶۱ کیلوبایت)EdwinAlden.1995Uploaded a work by J. Evala Malakoze from https://twitter.com/viii_iii_xciii/status/1277441829596790789?s=46&t=lD0d0dclq4WAR9NkzYP5JQ with UploadWizard

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