It has been requested to crop a part of this image, so that the cropped part can serve as its own image for دوین اوزولین.
Crop instructions: Crop to show the man on the left
If you perform the crop, please
copy this file metadata and upload it using this upload form with “{{Extracted from|File:Edvin Ozolin, Livio Berruti, Salvatore Giannone 1960.jpg}}” appended to the source field.
add {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to the other versions field of this file.
add the new file as an image to the Wikidata item.
It has been requested to crop a part of this image, so that the cropped part can serve as its own image for Salvatore Giannone.
Crop instructions: Crop to show the man on the right
If you perform the crop, please
copy this file metadata and upload it using this upload form with “{{Extracted from|File:Edvin Ozolin, Livio Berruti, Salvatore Giannone 1960.jpg}}” appended to the source field.
add {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to the other versions field of this file.
add the new file as an image to the Wikidata item.
The country of origin of this photograph is Italy. It is in the public domain there because its copyright term has expired. According to Law for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights n.633, 22 April 1941 and later revisions, images of people or of aspects, elements and facts of natural or social life, obtained with photographic process or with an analogue one, including reproductions of figurative art and film frames of film stocks (Art. 87) are protected for a period of 20 years from creation (Art. 92). This provision shall not apply to photographs of writings, documents, business papers, material objects, technical drawings and similar products (Art. 87). Italian law makes an important distinction between "works of photographic art" and "simple photographs" (Art. 2, § 7). Photographs that are "intellectual work with creative characteristics" are protected for 70 years after the author's death (Art. 32 bis), whereas simple photographs are protected for a period of 20 years from creation.
This may not apply in countries that don't apply the rule of the shorter term to works from Italy. In particular, these are in the public domain in the United States only if:
wasn't in copyright in the United States due to being registered for copyright there (see Commons:Copyright tags#United States for most cases) and
was created prior to 1976 and published prior to 1978 — then it was out-of-copyright in Italy on the URAA date of restoration (January 1, 1996) (17 U.S.C.§ 104A) (in most cases; for all cases, see Template:PD-Italy/US). If so, please add {{PD-1996}} in addition to this copyright tag. If the image was created after 1975 or was published after 1977, please add {{Not-PD-US-URAA}}.
این پرونده حاوی اطلاعات اضافهای است که احتمالاً دوربین دیجیتال یا پویشگری که در ایجاد یا دیجیتالی کردن آن به کار رفته آن را افزوده است. اگر پرونده از وضعیت ابتداییاش تغییر داده شده باشد آنگاه ممکن است شرح و تفصیلات موجود اطلاعات تصویر را تماماً بازتاب ندهد.