تمام صفحههای با پیشوند
- Infobox
- Infobox/Columns
- Infobox/Début
- Infobox/Fin
- Infobox/Géolocalisation multiple
- Infobox/Image
- Infobox/Ligne
- Infobox/Ligne mixte
- Infobox/Ligne mixte latitude longitude optionnelle
- Infobox/Ligne mixte optionnel
- Infobox/Ligne mixte optionnelle
- Infobox/Ligne optionnel
- Infobox/Notice
- Infobox/Sous-titre
- Infobox/Sous-titre optionnel
- Infobox/Titre
- Infobox/mobileviewfix.css
- Infobox/old
- Infobox/row
- Infobox/آزمایشی
- Infobox/تمرین
- Infobox/توضیحات
- Infobox1
- Infobox3cols
- Infobox3cols/row
- Infobox3cols/توضیحات
- InfoboxImage/آزمایشی
- Infobox AFL biography
- Infobox Afghan City
- Infobox American Political Party/توضیحات
- Infobox American championship car race report
- Infobox American championship car season
- Infobox American championship car season/توضیحات
- Infobox Anglican province
- Infobox Asian comic series
- Infobox Australian place/pagelinks
- Infobox Australian road
- Infobox Australian road/توضیحات
- Infobox Austrian district
- Infobox Awards
- Infobox Bangladesh district
- Infobox Bangladesh district/توضیحات
- Infobox Belgium Municipality
- Infobox Belgium Municipality/Geography
- Infobox Belgium Municipality/توضیحات
- Infobox Belgium settlement
- Infobox Bible chapter
- Infobox Bishop styles
- Infobox Bishop styles/توضیحات
- Infobox British Academy video games awards
- Infobox Buddha
- Infobox Buddhist term
- Infobox Canada electoral district
- Infobox Canadian school district
- Infobox Cape Verde settlement
- Infobox Cape Verde settlement/توضیحات
- Infobox Catholic apparition
- Infobox Champ Car driver
- Infobox Champ Car driver/توضیحات
- Infobox Chilean region
- Infobox Chinese/Blank
- Infobox Chinese/Chinese
- Infobox Chinese/Dunganese
- Infobox Chinese/Footer
- Infobox Chinese/Header
- Infobox Chinese/Japanese
- Infobox Chinese/Korean
- Infobox Chinese/Korean/توضیحات
- Infobox Chinese/Russian
- Infobox Chinese/Vietnamese
- Infobox Chinese historical biography
- Infobox Christian church body
- Infobox Christian church body/توضیحات
- Infobox Colombian province
- Infobox Color/Color Coordinates
- Infobox Color/Color Coordinates/توضیحات
- Infobox Country Asiad
- Infobox Country Asian Games
- Infobox Country Asian Games/Events
- Infobox Country Asian Games/توضیحات
- Infobox Country Indoor Asiad
- Infobox Country Paralympics
- Infobox Country Paralympics/توضیحات
- Infobox Country WAsiad
- Infobox County Romania
- Infobox Deutsche Bahn station
- Infobox Diplomatic Mission/توضیحات
- Infobox District DE
- Infobox Doctor Who episode/d
- Infobox EU legislation
- Infobox East Asian name
- Infobox East Asian name/توضیحات
- Infobox Egyptian deity/توضیحات
- Infobox Egyptian dignitary
- Infobox Egyptian tomb
- Infobox Egyptian tomb/توضیحات
- Infobox Embryology
- Infobox Embryology/توضیحات
- Infobox England county
- Infobox English county
- Infobox European case
- Infobox European football
- Infobox European football/تمرین
- Infobox European football/توضیحات
- Infobox F1 driver
- Infobox F1 driver/توضیحات
- Infobox F1 engine manufacturer
- Infobox F1 engine manufacturer/توضیحات
- Infobox F1 race
- Infobox F1 race/توضیحات
- Infobox F1 team
- Infobox F1 team/توضیحات
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Africa
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Africa Champions Cup
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Africa U-16
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Africa U-18
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Africa U-20
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Americas
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Americas U-18
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Asia
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Asia Champions Cup
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Asia Stankovic
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Asia U-16
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Asia U-18
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Asia U-20
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Centrobasket
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Europe
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Europe U-16
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Europe U-18
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Europe U-20
- Infobox FIBA tourney/Oceania
- Infobox FIBA tourney/SABA
- Infobox FIBA tourney/SEABA
- Infobox FIBA tourney/SEABA Cup
- Infobox FIBA tourney/SEABA U-16
- Infobox FIBA tourney/SEABA U-18
- Infobox FIBA tourney/South America
- Infobox FIBA tourney/William Jones Cup
- Infobox FIBA tourney/World
- Infobox FIBA tourney/World U-17
- Infobox FIBA tourney/World U-19
- Infobox FIVB tournament
- Infobox FIVB tournament/توضیحات
- Infobox Final Fantasy character
- Infobox Final Fantasy character/توضیحات
- Infobox Finnish municipality/demography 0–14
- Infobox Finnish municipality/demography 15–64
- Infobox Finnish municipality/demography 65 and over
- Infobox Finnish municipality/demography total
- Infobox Finnish municipality/doc
- Infobox Finnish municipality/inland waters area
- Infobox Finnish municipality/land and inland waters area
- Infobox Finnish municipality/land and inland waters area sequence reverse
- Infobox Finnish municipality/land area
- Infobox Finnish municipality/land area sequence reverse
- Infobox Finnish municipality/native language Finnish
- Infobox Finnish municipality/native language Sami
- Infobox Finnish municipality/native language Swedish
- Infobox Finnish municipality/native language other
- Infobox Finnish municipality/native language total
- Infobox Finnish municipality/population count
- Infobox Finnish municipality/population count sequence
- Infobox Finnish municipality/population count sequence reverse
- Infobox Finnish municipality/population density
- Infobox Finnish municipality/sea area
- Infobox Finnish municipality/tax rate
- Infobox Finnish municipality/tax rate sequence